How to Choose the Best Mattress for Your Child

How to Choose the Best Mattress for Your Child

Because healthy sleep is crucial for growing kids, it is worthwhile to choose the right mattress that will provide a comfortable, supportive sleep surface for them throughout their childhood and adolescence. The wrong choice of mattress can negatively impact children’s quality of sleep, and this can have other consequences on their health, growth, and overall development. So, how do you choose the mattress for you child?

Compared to buying beds for adults, picking mattresses for children often requires that several factors be put into consideration. One of these factors to consider is growth. A child’s body is still developing, most times, rapidly. It is possible to see kids grow as much as twice the height and/or bodyweight and eventually outgrow their mattresses by the time they become teenagers. Therefore, many parents often opt for less expensive beds for their kids. Another important point to consider is mattress support and pressure relief. These are also significant for children, especially those who might develop growing pains in the early stage of adolescence. Other factors to consider in selecting mattresses for kids include the thickness of the bed, composition of materials, firmness, durability and the child’s preferred sleep position.

This guide discusses the types of mattress options available for children who are old enough to sleep in their own bed, as well as some tips for parents who are looking for the most suitable types of mattresses for their kids.

Types of Children’s Mattress

  1. Open Coil Mattresses:
    These mattresses are relatively affordable and provide decent support for your children. However, open coil mattresses are sometimes less comfortable than other types of mattresses and can wear out and sag more quickly. If you have a child who doesn’t weigh much, you need a temporary bed for a short time, and/or you’re on a tight budget, this could just be a viable short-term solution for your child.
  2. Pocket Coil Mattresses: These are relatively more expensive. Pocket coil mattresses use springs or coils which are wrapped individually into separate fabric pockets. Since the springs operate independently from each other, each spring can adjust to the entire load of your child, so you can expect pocketed coils to last longer. This means that your child can also benefit from the improved contour, movement and comfort that pocketed coil mattresses offer.
  3. Memory Foam Mattresses: This kind of mattresses actually lacks the bounce of pocket-spring mattresses, but they are made from elastic materials which makes them to mold around your child’s body. Therefore, the longer your children sleep on the memory foam, the more it starts to conform to their body shape and respond to pressure and body heat. This particular quality makes the mattress more comfortable and enhances good sleep. Also, your child can enjoy more restful sleep especially if they sleep with a sibling because of the high motion isolation that is often attributed to memory foam. Please note, memory foam mattresses are not recommended for infants and toddlers.
  4. Latex Mattresses: Latex mattress products are natural, hypoallergenic and breathable. This makes them suitable for children with allergies and those who can get quite hot at night. Latex mattresses also offer impressive durability and support. 
  5. Hybrid Mattresses: These mattresses use a combination of pocket springs and memory foam. They usually have the same size coils like the innerspring mattresses and they also offer the solid support and contouring comfort of memory foam. The coil system provides the bounciness that innerspring mattresses offer and the layers of memory foam offers that “warm hug” feeling of memory foam.

What Children Need in a Mattress

Before considering any of the above types of mattresses for purchase, you also need to look at the attributes of the mattresses below:

  • Comfort and Support: Just like adults, children also need proper support and spinal alignment while they sleep. It is important to test the firmness level of a mattress and see how well your child sleeps on it. 
  • Room to Grow: Children grow rapidly, so the ideal mattress is one with a long lifespan that can adjust to a child’s needs as he or she grows. To avoid having to spend money on mattresses every year or two, it’s recommended to buy the best quality you can afford.
  • Durability: Kids are known to play hard and jump on mattresses, so, it’s best to go for the highest quality. Some factors that influence the durability of a mattress include the type and gauge of the coils (for innerspring mattresses) and the thickness and density of the foam (for memory foam mattresses).

Is there anything we wouldn’t do for our children? We invest in their education, future, and their health. Now it is time to invest in their sleep!